Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chapter 2 Notes

Questions:  Is Curly wife cheating on him ? in the story it say that she has an eye , and was looking at Lennie . Will Lennie and her will do something? In chapter 2 , George tells Lennie if anythings happens between them , he has to hide where they slept over night. Why? Why doesn't George just go with Lennie if he gets in trouble, but tells him that he'll come look for him? Why did the guy drown the dogs and not give anyone it.? If Lennie and George were to get into  a fight who would win?

Prediction: In Chapter 3 I predicted that Lennie will do something that Gregory dislikes. Also that someday Curly and Lennie and fight. They might not stay in there new job for long. I also feel that they dog is going to die and maybe at the end of the book, the squash between George and Curly will be finish. In the next chapter I also feel that, one of the guys might confess that he slept with Curly wife, or tries to do something and she gets caught.

Summarize: In the beginning of the chapter Lennie and Goegre came into the workhouse late. They meet the boss and other friendly workers. They had a conversation with Slim and telling him what they miss and needed to know , such as the sons boss does not like cocky guys, such as Lennie. They saw Curly's wife who has an eye on every guy also Geroge wants Lennie to not in trouble with Curly and if he does he want him to hid where they slept last night, in the bush.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Naturalism as a Mirror of the 1930s

 Literature is often a reflection of the time period in which it was written or, in the case of historical fiction, of the time period it is focused on.  Authors will often find sneaky little ways to demonstrate the dominant characteristics of the time period by blending in details, that, at a closer glance, reveal these hidden themes.

     In class, we viewed several videos (in the LitByFleming blog video bar) that gave us a look at some major events and common themes or characteristics of the 1930s.  John Steinbeck certainly considered these elements when writing Of Mice and Men.  In fact, it might be said, his writing style intentionally made use of naturalism in order to capture and expose some of the attitudes and characteristics of the American 1930s.

     Let's see if you can make the connection!  Think about some of  the naturalistic elements we identified in class (Chapter 1).  What aspects or characteristics of the 1930s are being demonstrated to us at those moments in the text?  What do you believe John Steinbeck was trying to show us or expose about the way people, life, or society was during this time in American history?  

Some aspects or characteristics of the 1930s are being demonstrated to us at those moments in the text by the setting, which is on the side of the road. Also it shows poverty because a lot of people are out of jobs. They are going through the Great Depression, in between wars alos the dust bowl. John Steinbeck was trying to show use the struggles they are going through by there characterization.   Also some charters are ill-educated. Society  
had changed people by worrying about themselves to survive and look for jobs because food shortage is low. Life was also hard because during the dust bowl limit the food. 


 A dust bowl video

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chapter 1 Note Taking

    In the frist chapter why does Goerge bring Lennie instead of a girlfreind? Does Lennie have a connection with mice, if so what is the signficatins. What naitionally are they? What did Lennie do so bad at Weed that Gorge doesnt want him to do again? Does Lennie have memory loss ?

Summarize: In chapter 1 Of Mice and Men , Goerge and his bestfreind Lennie are on the road look for a new place to work. Gorge is small and quick and has strong features. Lennie is the total opposite of Goerge , he is a big man, who had  sloping shoulders and walked heavily. Also he is mentally challenged. They are walking on a road and stop , to rest. Geroge finds that that lennie has dead mice in his pockets. Gorege doesnt not want Lennie to do what he did at his lost farm house. Gorege tells Lenie a story about the rabbits and had the convorestion until late and they fall asleep.

Reflect: I think the authour reason for writting this book is for the readers to see how diffucult life was in the 1930s , around war time. Also maybe for us to be greatgul for what we have, because they didnt have much back than. no there isnt any themes i recongizes just yet. Yes i do like it but its not my type of Genre. it could make this more intersting by placing the charcter in a segration farm an dthey being bully because hey dont fit in.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Picturing the History of Of Mice and Men

Think about this section from the beginning of the book:

     For a moment the place was lifeless, and then two men emerged from the path and came into the opening by the green pool.
     They had walked in single file down the path, and even in the open one stayed behind the other. Both were dressed in denim trousers and in denim coats with brass buttons. Both wore black, shapeless hats and both carried tight blanket rolls slung over their shoulders. The first man was small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. Every part of him was defined: small, strong hands, slender arms, a thin and bony nose. Behind him walked his opposite, a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. His arms did not swing at his sides, but hung loosely.

     The first man stopped short in the clearing, and the follower nearly ran over him. He took off his hat and wiped the sweat-band with his forefinger and snapped the moisture off. His huge companion dropped his blankets and flung himself. (1.2-4)

Sound familiar? Kind of like the pictures, right? In writing, compare and contrast this opening section from Of Mice and Men to the pictures you analyzed in class. What does the text and the photographs show us about the 1930s?  Be specific!

        One of the pictures that is similar to the beginging is the man walking north with a small bag with a stick over his shoulders. This man would be George but he is more mentally and physically stable than Lennie. Lennie is Goerge friend who is with him going to find a job. Lennie is menatlly challenge. Soemthing the text and picture show is that are on a lon road and did stop to go get something to drink. Also the man is wearing a hat in the picture as well in the text.
       In the 1930s a lot of poeple are poor. they are moving to Califarna because in the west they was a huge dust bowl that caused them to many of them are farmers and there transpotian is hecked. Some of them walk and cant even bring there whole family because they might not suppourt him. Also there was no food for farmers and the water was dirty as well as people couldnt bath or brush their teeth.